Bem-vinda à intersecção entre maternidade e clima
Cuidamos do futuro duas vezes
Como mães, zelamos por nossas crias, pelas futuras gerações. Como mães pelo clima, atuamos também na sensibilização sobre as mudanças climáticas e suas intersecções com a maternidade.
Quem gera, nutre e cuida é uma mulher desamparada.
80% são mulheres
No mundo, 80% das pessoas deslocadas pelas mudanças climáticas, são mulheres.
7 em cada 10 mulheres
No Brasil, 7 em cada 10 mulheres acima dos 16 anos de idade são mães.
93% das famílias
As mães são responsáveis pelos cuidados dos filhos em 93% das famílias brasileiras.
Por isso, propomos
This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention. Let them know how they can learn more about the business and take advantage of its products or services.
Gerar comunidade
Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust. Focus on what makes the business unique and how users can benefit from choosing it.
Gerir comunicação
Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust. Focus on what makes the business unique and how users can benefit from choosing it.
E fazemos isso de mães para mães, cuidando de todos os filhos da Mãe Terra.
Das Mães pelo Clima para...
Mães empreendedoras ou em cargos de liderança
Describe the item here. Include important features, pricing and other relevant info.
Mães em empresas, que queiram trazer esses assuntos à tona
Describe the item here. Include important features, pricing and other relevant info.
Mães em empresas que, ainda que não lideradas por mães, já tratam do assunto maternidade
Describe the item here. Include important features, pricing and other relevant info.
Mães em busca de capacitação sobre clima e sustentabilidade
Describe the item here. Include important features, pricing and other relevant info.
Clarissa Canova
Especialista e consultora em Marketing e Comunicação, com MBA em Marketing de Serviços pela ESPM. Há mais de 20 anos, colabora com marcas nacionais e internacionais por meio de agências de publicidade e empresas. Desde 2019, quando se tornou mãe, direcionou sua atuação para organizações cuja missão estivesse relacionada à sustentabilidade. É Fellow do Future Future Institute e liderou o time de Marketing e Comunicação da Youth Climate Leaders entre 2020 e 2022. Em 2022, fundou a causo , uma boutique de Branding, Marketing e Design focada na construção de marcas conscientes de seu impacto e continua seus estudos sobre Regeneração junto a Schumacher College.
Item Title Two
Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust. Focus on what makes the business unique and how users can benefit from choosing it.
Item Title Three
Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust. Focus on what makes the business unique and how users can benefit from choosing it.
Item Title Three
Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust. Focus on what makes the business unique and how users can benefit from choosing it.
Item Title Three
Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust. Focus on what makes the business unique and how users can benefit from choosing it.
Item Title Three
Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust. Focus on what makes the business unique and how users can benefit from choosing it.
Nossas Mães pelo Clima
Por outro lado, empresas com mulheres compondo mais de 30% do conselho diretivo têm políticas climáticas melhores e mais bem implementadas.